Having long term food storage is a great way to get prepared for any emergency. When supplying your long term food storage with foods, think about what types of foods you and your family eat, and what type of ingredients you use on a daily bases. This will help you get an idea of what food storage items you will need in your long term emergency storage. One item you will want to make sure to have on hand is steel cut oats. Not only are they healthy for you, but they keep you fuller for longer, plus can be used in a variety of things.
For hot cereal, add 1 part oats to 6 parts boiling water. Reduce heat to medium and continue cooking for up to 45 minutes stirring occasionally. In the final 15 minutes, reduce heat to low and stir as needed. A pressure cooker will work the best for cooking steel cut oats.
Ingredients: Whole Grain Oats
Allergens: None
Per Pouch Package Information
NET WT 4.375 lbs (1,960g)
Total Servings: 49
Total Calories: 7,840
Serving Size: 1/4 cup
Emergency long term food storage steel cut oat cereal
When it comes to your long term emergency food storage, you want to make sure to include foods that are high quality, as well as familiar to your family. One emergency food to have in your long term emergency food storage is steel cut oats. Steel cut oats are great as a hot cereal, or to add to foods such as bread, cookies, and cakes.
Some people get steel cut oats and old fashioned oats confused as being the same thing, when in reality they are different. The difference between the two is how they are made. Old fashioned oats are rolled flat into flakes, and steel cut oats come from the toasted whole oat grain that has been cut into thirds.
In an emergency you will want foods with healthy benefits, to help boost your immune system as much as possible. Steel cut oats are packed with fiber, giving them a lot of health benefits. Just ¼ cup of steel oats contains 2 grams of soluble fiber, giving you 15% of the recommended daily allowance for a healthy adult 2,000 calorie diet. Studies have shown steel cut oats decrease risks of heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, as well as obesity. Not only will you want to make them part of your emergency long term food storage, but also have them on hand for everyday use.
Let Legacy help you and your family get healthy, and stay healthy by including steel cut oats in your pantry, as well as in your emergency long term food storage.
Steel Cut Oats Features -
Freeze Dried, High Quality Ingredients
Resealable Bag
Food will last up to 1 year after breaking seal
Bag Stands Easily on a Shelf
Up to 10-15 year shelf Life
Great addition to your food storage or Perfect for Daily Use
Simple to Prepare - Just Add Water to Rehydrate
Lowest Cost Per Pound
Compare Legacy Food Storage to any other food storage company on a cost per pound basis and you will find that with Legacy you get the best value for your money! In fact, once you compare... you will find that it's not even close!
Not all food storage is created equal. Many food storage companies can advertise low prices because they drop the calories in their meals. A great apples to apples comparison is to calculate cost per pound. This will give you a better indicator of the TRUE cost.