Perfect the flavor of your favorite meals with ease by using Emergency Essentials® Dehydrated Chopped Onions. These onions are chopped, dried and ready to be used in any recipe in place of fresh chopped onions.
Simply add these onions directly to sauces, soups, or sauté with your meat, vegetable, or stir-fry dishes. Simply add it and allow the moisture from your food or cooking base re-hydrate these flavorful onions. You will love the convenience of having onions that are already chopped and ready to use now or in an emergency. Ideal for an emergency because of their long-term storage and ease of preparation, but convenient for every day use. The dehydration process works well with onions securing in their robust flavor and versatility of use.
Each can contains approximately 243 2-tsp servings. The only ingredient is low moisture chopped onions. No additives or preservatives.
Can store 25 years or more, if kept cool and dry.
% Daily Value
Serving Size 2 Tbsp (3.5 g)
Servings Per Container 243
Sugars 1
Vitamin C 4 7%
Total Calories 10
Total Carbohydrates 3
APPROX. WEIGHT 1lb 14 oz (0.85 kg)
ADDITIONAL INFO For best flavor and nutrition, keep cans constantly stored at 70° or lower. Once opened, keep in air tight containers in dark cool places.
Packaged with an oxygen absorber in a #10 stainless steel can that is double-enameled to prevent aging and rust. #10 can dimensions: 7" high X 6.25" diameter.
CONTENTS Emergency Essentials® Dehydrated Chopped Onions Large Can